Thursday 17 March 2011

Grand by name...

As we entered the Petrified Forest this morning, the ranger asked if we'd been before. Mike replied no, and then corrected himself, saying, "oh, actually, Laura has". I protested it had been thirty years, but he exclaimed, "Welcome back!" with a broad smile. "Not a lot's changed!".

My parents spent three weeks driving us round the west coast of the US in 1983. I remember it was 1983 because it was my job to buy the newspaper which would reveal the results of the general election - and I had to ask a passer-by for help because I couldn't believe the three-inch thick tome was all one copy...

That was Yosemite, where I also drove my bike into a tree. I also remember fondly playing Dungeons and Dragons with my brother in the back of the car as we drove to Hoover Dam. But I have no memory of the vistas of either location. My only memory of the Petrified Forest was a disappointment that it wasn't a Wizard of Oz style haunted wood (Logs that are made out of stone, oh my!). So are formed the neural synapses of an 8-year old on the trip of a lifetime. I'm not expecting too much from the boys...

But the Grand Canyon was different. I remember the hotel room with the log fire, the chipmunk eating crackers, my dad getting us all up for sunrise. I remember the geology museum, the native American crafts, the semi-precious stones. I remember the view, the air, the sheer scale. And I remember swearing I would come back.

Today we watched the sun set from the very same geology museum. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Today's Stats:
Started driving: 08:10
Finished driving: 17:15
Miles: 242
States: 1
License plates: 45 total - 6 to go.
North Dakotans traveling to the Grand Canyon: enough :)
Favourite placenames: Two Guns, AZ, swiftly followed by Twin Arrows, AZ.
Newly sworn-in Junior Rangers: 2

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