Sunday 20 March 2011

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig

It's amazing how I lose the urge to blog the second I walk into my kitchen. This may be linked to the stupid mileage we accrue on the final day of these trips - I find it hard enough to communicate sentiently with the cat, let alone the Internet, by the time we actually get through the door. But I don't want it to be Monday yet, so let me at least wrap up the statistics.

Friday's stats:
Started driving: 05:50 MST (if you include our trip out to watch sunrise)
Finished driving: 22:25 MDT
Miles: 483
States: 2
License plates: 2 more - South Carolina and New Hampshire
Breakfast: Yavapai Lodge, Grand Canyon
Lunch: cookies on the road
Dinner: Cracker Barrel, Gallup, NM
National Parks visited: 3
Junior Ranger badges awarded: 4
Years since Sunset Crater erupted: 945 (ish)
Feet descended into Walnut Canyon: 185
Types of lava flow identified: 2

Saturday's stats:
Started driving: 07:28 MDT
Finished driving: 23:45 CDT
Miles: 826
States: 2
License plates: no more :(
Breakfast: Denny's, Santa Rosa, NM
Lunch: candy from the gas station
Dinner: Applebees, Mansfield, TX
Activities other than eating & driving: none (unless you count ignoring the rugby and staring at the super-moon).

Total trip:
Miles: 2703
States: 3
License plates: 47 - we missed Hawaii, DC, Delaware and Rhode Island. I refuse to be disappointed by that.
National Parks: 4
Number of family members keen to return: 4
Number of family members ready for school/work tomorrow: 1

Mike's favourite thing: the Painted Desert

Laura's favourite thing: the aptly named Grand View

Chris' favourite thing: staying in a Wigwam and the moon.

William's favourite thing: going down the canyons.

1 comment:

  1. wow! amazing stats!
    i promise that, if y'all make it back our way this summer, i will guarantee a DC license plate...and might actually be able to get you a Delaware one, too.

    And, courtesy of you and Mike, I'll be humming 'the painted desert' by 10,000 maniacs for the rest of the evening. which is, actually, not a bad thing.

    welcome home!
